
Sonntag, 31. Dezember 2017

2017 and Digitalization

We think you can describe the year 2017 with regards to digitalization as follows.

Hot topics were:
We are looking forward to follow these aspects - and more - in 2018!!

Have a good start into 2018!

Caro & Alex

A record-breaking year - the global economy in 10 charts

"Probably the financial story of the year. Even though there are fears of a coming crash, 2017 will go down as the year of the cryptocurrency. Bitcoin’s rise has been meteoric, beginning the year valued at about $1,000 and reaching almost $20,000 by the middle of December. There have been wild swings on the way, with the currency losing more than a quarter of its value in a single day this month, before staging a recovery. Economists think bitcoin has all the telltale signs of a bubble, with worrying parallels to the Tulip mania of the 17th century, when the price of bulbs crashed in spectacular fashion after a buying frenzy."

We support The Guardian here. The similiarity to the Tulip mania in the Netherlands is striking and should be a warning. Bitcoin is speculation, not a currency. And the most ironic aspect is the reason for the rise: the traditional finance system (see

Some wishes from Digitalization-Lab!

Season's Greetings!

We wish you all 

great festivities with 

families and friends and 

a good start to the new year ... 

let's make 2018 special!

Caro & Alex



We are very proud to have surpassed the 100000 views barrier today! 🥂
Thanks to all our readers, we will keep up the work 😀

Vielen Dank an alle Leser, dass wir heute die 100000-Views-Marke geknackt haben! 🥂
Wir wollen so weitermachen 😀

Digitalization - Lab's Carola Wondrak präsentiert "Digitalisierung: Die Zukunft der Welt" in Frankfurt

Caro war wieder für das Digialization- Lab aktiv!
Gestern hat sie mit Studenten in Frankfurt darüber diskutiert, wie unsere "digitalisierte Zukunft" aussehen könnte. Essen aus dem 3D Drucker, fliegende Autos und nur noch Robot- Lawyer ... wir sind gespannt, wie diese Welt sich wirklich entwickelt ;)

Digitalization - Lab präsentiert "Digitalisierung im Retail" in Darmstadt

Digitalization - Lab präsentiert "Digitalisierung im Retail" in Darmstadt

Wir waren mal wieder unterwegs. In Darmstadt.
Alex und Caro mögen es nämlich richtig gern, sich mit anderen auszutauschen und Zukunftsszenarios auszumalen. Vielleicht treffen wir uns ja auch einmal in der Realität?!

Für alle, die sich fragen, wieso gerade in Darmstadt: Es wird ein wichtiger IT Standort in der nahen Zukunft!

Life in a connected world - Part 2

Life in a connected world
By: Carola Wondrak

The dentists office is entered by me just looking at a camera. They scan my Iris and have all data already at hand when I come in. I sit down in the chair and don't even have to wait. the appointment was made and the car ordered, so that there was noe queue. Also, Siri checked traffic beforehand to make sure we don't lose any minutes by just waiting somewhere.

To be continued ... Will I need to get 3D printed protesthetics?

Picture Credits:

IOE: Building A Common Language For Food

this is not only about food, but also the data chain and the suppy chain of food shopping and cultivating. Data helps in every step of the process.