
Digitalization is the hot topic in tech, business,  and economics, therefore we want to collect and present the different aspects here. We will publish in English and German - comments and discussion are very welcome!

Caro & Alex

And here our post #400 which gives a little bit more about us ;-)

400th Blog Entry - A little retrospective from the authors

After about nine months of blogging here and now having post # 400, we thought it might be good to look back a little into the last years of digitalization! And you can get to know the authors a bit.

Therefore we will ask, what was the most impressive / memorable / surprising aspect of digitalization in this time ...

The CEO of DEC once said “There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home” back in 1977. Fair enough - who needs a computer if you have good WIFI, a smart TV and a mobile phone with a decent sized screen?

For me, the biggest change was not to have a computer at home - I cannot compare the times with and without a computer in terms of making us productive or being a tool for something. The first computer in my house was just another toy - I really loved drawing in paint. I still do.

For me, the bigger impact was having internet at home - even if that meant gigantic costs and blocking the phone. That really impacted our lifestyle: You had a place to look everything up and also can communicate with so many different people everywhere. I think that is one of the main reasons why I love this blog so much as well.

PS: Thank you Alex for the picture from one of our adventures!

Most impressive for me is the ongoing success of the Raspberry Pi project which leads the path into education in a digital world. An economic success story, a great community, and lots of small and bigger projects in digitalization, AI, robotics, etc are to mention here. And it has recently been awarded as the most innovative consumer product since the iPhone, before Tesla S!

Beside this, the fast pace of integration between the different aspects of digitalization (like AI, IoT, Big Data, management, economics, etc) is the outstanding aspect in my opinion.

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